From fighting to improve permit conditions to demanding compliance with State and Federal Environmental Regulations, the Harris County Attorney's Office is a frontrunner in Texas for environmental protection.
Environmental Enforcement
Environmental attorneys use litigation and other enforcement tools to address:
- air pollution
- water pollution
- sewage disposal
- hazardous and other solid waste disposal
- drinking water contamination
- flood plain management
- Fire code compliance at Industrial Facilities
- industrial facilities
Environmental Regulation
The Environmental Division represents the county in complex state administrative hearings to oppose or comment on environmental permit applications and works with federal, state, and local stakeholders on environmental justice issues, and to review and comment on proposed state and federal environmental rules.
Litigators also advise county agencies on compliance with environmental laws and regulations. These agencies include:
- Harris County Pollution Control Services Department
- Harris County Engineering Department
- Harris County Commissioner Precincts
- Harris County Flood Control District
- Harris County Fire Marshal
State Permitting
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) reviews applications for many different environmental permits. Each type of permit application has its own review process. In a number of cases, the permitting process calls for the applicant to publish one or more public notices that invite the public to comment and sometimes to participate in other ways.
On the TCEQ’s website you can:
Links & Resources
Harris County Pollution Control
The mission of Harris County Pollution Control Services Department is to protect the citizens of Harris County from environmental impacts through firm, consistent enforcement of state and federal regulations.
Do you have a comment or complaint (environmental concern or issue) impacting your community? Submit a form with Harris County Pollution Control.
Harris County Permitting
The Compliance Section of the Harris County Permit Office has the objective to ensure that all constituents of Harris County comply with Harris County Regulations. Click here to report a compliance complaint , click here for a wastewater complaint, or click here to learn more about the department.
Harris County Fire Marshal
The Harris County Fire Marshal’s Office Investigations Division is responsible for fire, arson and explosion investigations in unincorporated Harris County. Utilize this form to report a fire safety hazard.
My thought is to have these in square tiles with the title and then you can click through to learn more. Open to thoughts on this, but I don’t think linking them like this is my first choice.